Dandelion Leaf Organic



Dandelion Leaf Organic ~ Taraxacum officinale
Dandelion Leaf Organic is a pleasant caffeine-free tea substitute that has a bitter taste and a delightful astringency.
To make a mug of dandelion leaf tea add 1-2g of the tea to a teapot or infuser - depending on how strong you like your tea – and pour over enough fresh boiling water as required. Strain into a mug, sweeten with preferred sweetener e.g. honey, and serve. Serve without milk, dandelion leaf tea can also be served chilled like ice tea.
Some of the many traditional benefits of dandelion tea, just for starters: Tastes good (especially with a sweetener like honey). Benefits your health (in fact, it’s very good for you)—as health enthusiasts worldwide can attest to this delicious herbal remedy. Forms a prime medical ingredient in over half the phytonutrient blends on the market (weight loss, rejuvenation, detoxification; digestive, liver, kidney, & skin supplements). Can be used as an ingredient in cooking. Aids in digestion, and functions well to relieve digestive disorders like constipation and diarrhoea. Helps to purify the blood and cleanse the system. Enhances detoxification, by stimulating urination and, in addition, by replacing the potassium lost in that process. Relieves bloating and helps relieve water retention. Can help reduce high cholesterol. Contains antioxidants that help your body fight off toxic bacteria and viruses. Helps with weight control—especially with weight loss. Has a full range of minerals and vitamins: A, C, D, E, & B complex, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, choline, and boron, etc. when infused in hot water. Basically the all-round herbal tea winner!!
Certified Organic
Country of Origin: