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Strawberry Leaves - The UK Loose Leaf Tea Company Ltd

Strawberry Leaves

  • £5.10


Strawberry Leaves ~ Cut

Health Benefits of Strawberry Leaves

Strawberry Leaf Tea promotes digestive health, helps alleviate arthritis, and contains many healthy nutrients such as iron, calcium, and Vitamin C. 

To make the tea with dried leaves, simply add a small handful of them to an 8-ounce (240-ml) cup of hot water just off the boiling point, then steep them for 10 minutes. Strain and drink the liquid.

If you desire, you can add raw honey, cinnamon, or a lemon wedge.

Country of Origin: Poland 100% strawberry leaf.

During processing, we do our best to remove all foreign objects (sticks or bits of plastic), but we do not always catch them all so please do not eat this product it is for an infusion only.