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Mullein Leaves - The UK Loose Leaf Tea Company Ltd

Mullein Leaves

  • £5.65

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Mullein Leaves

Also Known As

Beggar's Blanket, Blanket Herb, Blanket Leaf, Bouillon Blanc, Candleflower, Candlewick, Clot-Bur, Clown's Lungwort, Cuddy's Lungs, Duffle, Feltwort, Flannelflower

Mullein tea is a flavourful beverage that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments, including chronic coughs, colds, and asthma.

It has a rich, aromatic taste and is made from the leaves of the common mullein (Verbascum thapsus), a flowering plant native to Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Mullein tea has been linked to several potential health benefits.

May treat respiratory conditions

Mullein has been used for thousands of years to treat respiratory conditions.

It may be especially effective at relieving asthma, which causes your airway to swell and results in symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

The flowers and leaves of the plant are also used to treat other respiratory ailments, such as tuberculosis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, and pneumonia. However, no human research has studied whether mullein combats these conditions.

May help fight viral infections

Some test-tube studies suggest that mullein may possess powerful antiviral properties.

For instance, one test-tube study analyzed several medicinal herbs and found that mullein extract was particularly effective against the influenza virus.

Other test-tube studies show that mullein extract may also fight pseudorabies, a virus in the herpes family.

Nonetheless, human research is needed.

Possesses antibacterial properties

Mullein tea may offer antibacterial effects as well.

One test-tube study found that mullein extract inhibited several strains of bacteria, including Bacillus cereus, which commonly occurs in soil and food.

Another test-tube study noted that mullein extract reduced the growth of certain types of bacteria that cause infections, such as E. coli and Streptococcus pyogenes.

Although limited human research is available, one study in 180 children indicated that this herb may treat ear infections, which are often caused by bacteria.

This 3-day study, which used ear drops that contained mullein alongside several other herbal extracts 3 times daily, reduced ear pain by 93%, on average. However, it’s unclear to what extent this effect was due to mullein extract versus other herbs used in the ear drops.

Most people can enjoy mullein tea safely with minimal risk of adverse effects.

Mullein leaves may cause skin irritation for some people, so be sure to exercise caution if you’re handling the herb directly.

Mullein leaves contain tiny hairs which can irritate your throat, do not inhale the dry product, and make sure it is strained thoroughly before drinking it.


Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Do not use Mullein if you are taking anti-diabetic or diuretic medication.

If you notice any negative side effects after drinking this tea, consider scaling back your intake or avoiding it.

To make the tea with dried leaves, simply add a small handful of them to an 8-ounce (240-ml) cup of boiling water, then steep them for 15–30 minutes. To prevent throat irritation, use a strainer or cheesecloth to remove as many of the leaves as possible.

If you desire, you can add raw honey, cinnamon, or a lemon wedge.

Country of Origin: Bulgaria 100% mullein product.

During processing, we do our best to remove all foreign objects (sticks, small feathers, or bits of plastic), but we do not always catch them all so please do not eat this product it is for an infusion only.

County of Origin: Bulgaria