Lavender Flowers Organic

Lavender Flowers Organic ~ Lavandula spp.
Lavender has always been one of natures wonders with its distinctive taste with a great aroma it has been used for centuries to cure ailments and ward off diseases. Lavender Tea helps soothe the nervous system and "they say" eases insomnia and helps calm the digestive tract, while helping with bronchial problems and much more.
Brewing: 1 heaped teaspoon with boiling water and infuse for 5 to 10 minutes.
Description: The angustifolia variety of lavender is a semi-woody perennial herb native to France and the western Mediterranean area, which is now cultivated in many regions of the world. The plants grow up to 1.2 metres in height with a spread of up to 1 metre. The leaves are simple, entire, oblong-lanceolate and 2-6cm in length, glaucous green in colour and grow in whorls at intervals on the square stems. The hermaphrodite inflorescences are composed of many 2-lipped flowers which form terminal spikes 2-8cm in length on top of stems; the flowers are bluish-violet to pale lilac in colour.
Certified Organic.